Server Dead! =(

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New member
Oct 18, 2021
Well I hope you understand what I want to write since I like the game and the server based on "pvp" ... First of all, how can we recommend the server when we have no response from any admin or gm, or discord, or facebook, or its own forum! the server ... I tried to get my clan from the US to come to the server! but when they saw the forum they didn't want to leave the other server! you yourself are throwing this server away! And if it is not crowded, it is because you are not giving it the attention it deserves! a shame because it would be nice to have an active community! but now! it was my humble opinion that I write greetings to all! I hope someone with interest will read it!


New member
Oct 7, 2021
It indeed dies, because there is literally no communication or whatsoever. Im also one of those who stopped playing, because there is literally no reason to since there are no updates on whats going on, communication and so on. Its just left to exist which is sad considering the fact that the server is pretty updated so it wont be as buggy as the files that are released to public. I still have hoped and come every now and then to check the forum if there is something going on. I hope that they will actually try to do something with this server


C9 Admin
Staff member
Jul 16, 2021
Its full free, and in test now. We have much other work and come back later.
Make it now for 20 players is useless


New member
Oct 7, 2021
Well, that is true. Though what are the plans advertisement wise? Like actually populating the server. While its true that its not worth it for 20 players giving it publicity would be nice. Also not really communicating with people isnt going to help the server grow. So far people think that the server is left to die which is not nice :(