Recent content by halngriz0026

Welcome to C9 Online Private Server
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  1. H


    is the game available to china???
  2. H

    GM, please take a look at the message

    hmm i know that server but not everything in that server is free ,, but well i guess its ok to try that server because somehow its not a vfun version
  3. H

    GM, please take a look at the message

    sir how can we contact you
  4. H


    sirrr update the game pls
  5. H

    Is there a problem with the server?

    is there any update?? is this game dead?
  6. H

    hi sir why i cant log in is server dead?? pls i need answer anyone/

    hi sir why i cant log in is server dead?? pls i need answer anyone/
  7. H

    Open beta ONLINE

    sir/mam can i ask how was the game is it better to the original or this server is way better??
  8. H

    Comment by 'halngriz0026' in media 'Screenshot_1'

    is that the private server or the vfun??